4 Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Spring

With the arrival of Spring’s warmer weather and blossoming trees, the urge to get out of the house and spend more time outside is strong! There is so much to do outside this time of year- sports, exercise, and recreation activities alike. However, common eye conditions that occur in the spring might prevent you from enjoying the sun and outdoors as much as you’d like to. In this blog post, we will share 4 tips to help protect your eyes this spring so you can get out there and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine!

1. Do a Deep Clean of Your Living Space

Doing a deep cleaning of your home or living space every week, if possible, will help you avoid exposure to pollen and other eye irritants. This is particularly important if you have a dog, who can track more dirt and pollen inside with them. Take the time to vacuum, wipe down surfaces and mop the floors. You can also use an air purifier to get rid of airborne particles. This will help minimize any hypersensitivity your eyes might be experiencing. 

2. Wear Sunglasses When Outside

The best way to enjoy sunny days outside is to wear sunglasses with adequate UV protection in them. Sunglasses will help shield your eyes from harmful UV rays and minimize the brightness of the sun. You can get sunglasses with or without prescription lenses- if you need sunglasses with your prescription in them, we can take care of that for you here at the Optical Shop! We carry both prescription and non-prescription sunglasses. To further enhance your sun protection, use sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat when spending time outside.

3. Wash Your Hands Regularly

Washing your hands frequently throughout the day has several benefits, but it can also help protect your eyes from pollen and other allergens. Many people rub their eyes or touch their eyes without thinking everyday, which can transfer whatever is on your hands into your eyes. So keep your hands clean, especially after gardening or spending time outdoors!

4. Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Diet

The benefits of good hydration and nutrition cannot be underestimated! By drinking plenty of water, your body can flush out any particles or allergens you might come in contact with, keeping your eyes moisturized and healthy. Also, eating more fruits and vegetables can provide essential micronutrients to protect your eye health, which becomes even more important in the spring and summer. 

If you’re looking to get new sunglasses for the spring and summer, or need help with your daily pair- we’re here for you at the Optical Shop of Westport! We can help you with all of your eyewear needs. Contact us by calling (203) 222-7870 or emailing us OpticalShopofWestport@gmail.com to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.