The Pros and Cons of Contacts and Glasses

If you require vision correction, you have a few options available to you: contact lenses or glasses. Some people have a strong preference for one over the other, and others wear both interchangeably depending on the situation. There’s no right or wrong answer- opting for glasses or contacts should be a decision that is based on personal preference and your lifestyle. In this blog post, we will outline some basic pros and cons to both contacts and glasses, so you can pick your eyewear with confidence!

Pros and Cons of Contacts

Pro: They produce a more natural field of vision. Contact lenses provide a more “seamless” field of vision because they sit on the surface of your eye. There won’t be any visual disruptions like you get with glasses, such as reflections, scratches or fogginess.  

Pro: They stay out of the way during activities and sports. If you are active and need vision correction during your activities, contact lenses are a great solution. They will stay in place during the most vigorous of activities or sports, and you’ll be able to see the entire time!

Con: They require more discipline in their care, cleaning and storage. For your eye safety and health, it’s important to take proper care of your contacts. You have to store them in solution inside a case overnight, and clean them before and after you wear them. If you wear daily disposables, it’s a little easier, but you still have to ensure you have a steady supply and don’t run out. 

Con: Using them can be intimidating for some, and requires a learning curve. Learning how to put in, and take out contacts can be challenging at first because it requires touching your eye. However, you will get used to it with practice, but this deters some from even trying contacts!

Pros and Cons of Glasses

Pro: They’re easy to wear and last a long time. Glasses are very straightforward- put them on your face, and you’re good to go. They also last a long time with proper care which makes them a cost-effective investment. 

Pro: They are stylish and customizable. Glasses can serve as a companion piece to an outfit, or a fashion statement all on their own. They are also very customizable- there are an abundance of options for lenses and frames to choose from. There are a pair of glasses out there for everyone!

Con: They don’t cover your entire field of vision and can get dirty easily. Even though glasses sit at the front of your eyes, they don’t entirely encompass your periphery. Also, if your lenses get scratched or get dirty, that can compromise your vision and become annoying- something you can prevent by cleaning your glasses often, and properly. 

Con: They’re more expensive to replace if damaged or lost. Having a single pair of glasses means you’ll have to buy new ones if they get lost or broken beyond repair. This is why we recommend having a backup pair of glasses in case anything happens, and to make sure to take care of your glasses and keep track of them at all times!

If you are on Team Glasses and interested in finding a new pair, we’re here for you at the Optical Shop of Westport! We can help you with all of your eyewear needs. Contact us by calling (203) 222-7870 or emailing us to make an appointment! We look forward to helping you.